Being able to contact your shared website hosting supplier whenever you have any type of questions or experience any difficulties is important and how quickly they'll answer back and react is crucial, particularly if your web site is business-oriented, as longer downtime can often mean losing potential customers. The support solutions are one way to recognize genuine providers from resellers. The latter typically reply only to e-mail messages or support tickets and you will have to wait for a whole day or longer so as to get a response. When your issue requires several responses, you may end up losing a few days so as to have a basic problem fixed. When you use a legitimate and trustworthy website hosting provider, you'll be in a position to get in touch with the support anytime and get a prompt reply whatever the problem or the question is - pre-sales, customer or technical one.

24/7 Customer Support in Shared Website Hosting

The customer and technical support services for our shared website hosting plans are round-the-clock, thus you can forget all about waiting for several days so as to receive assistance. In case you aren't our client yet, you can give us a call, chat with a representative or send an e-mail. If you currently have an account, you can open a support ticket on top of the other three methods of communication. You're able to choose the most suitable way to contact us depending on where you are or what kind of device you're using. We will help you for almost any webhosting-related query that you have or issue that you could experience and even if you get in touch with us during the weekend or on official holidays, we will be available 24/7. For more technical or time-consuming problems you may open a support ticket, but even then the max reply time will never exceed 1 hour.

24/7 Customer Support in Dedicated Servers

We are aware how important it is to receive prompt support in general, let alone if you run a whole server, so each dedicated server that we offer includes 24/7 support with 1-hour response time warranty regardless of the issue. This service is free of cost for any type of difficulties with the server or the software that was installed from our admins during the setup, so you're able to contact us as many times as you wish, even during holidays. You can either open a support ticket from your billing area or you can send an email, and the actual answer time for either of these rarely surpasses thirty minutes as we have administrators available 24x7x365. In case you want general info about our servers or you have some billing question/issue, you can also call one of the local phone numbers we have on as many as three different continents or you could use our live chat service and talk to an agent online. For third-party software assistance, we provide a Managed Services upgrade, that you're able to add to your server package through the billing Control Panel.