Monthly Traffic in Shared Website Hosting
We've selected all the features of our shared website hosting plansin such a way, in order to facilitate the development of any kind of website hosted on our leading-edge cloud system. The traffic that your account can produce is not an exception, so with a website hosting package from us, you won't have to worry about the volume of content being transferred to and from your account at any moment. You'll be able to host multiple small and medium-sized sites and be sure that the monthly traffic quota will not be a setback for their growth. In addition, we supply you with elaborate monthly, daily and hourly stats that will give you additional details for the site traffic that a particular web site produces or which particular page/file is being downloaded the most and produces the most traffic. This kind of info can help you arrange the administration of your sites along with your marketing strategies more efficiently.
Monthly Traffic in Dedicated Servers
The dedicated servers that we offer feature enormous traffic allowances that are enough for almost any web site, even a video streaming portal or a well-liked social network. Terabytes of traffic will be available each month and the control panel that is featured with each and every dedicated server will give you info what amount of data has been transferred already and how much is left for the current month. In order to avoid service disruptions, we will notify you when you reach 90% of the quota and you can either lessen the site traffic generated by your web sites by optimizing their content, or you will be able to increase the quota for your account. It's highly unlikely that you will ever need such an update, but we chose to leave this option open. The statistics in that panel include the entire traffic, in contrast to the stats from your hosting Control Panel where you will find just the traffic from websites, but not from server-side software downloads and / or updates.