Online Statistics Manager
All the statistics that you might want in 1 place

From the Embury Road Technologies, LLC Control Panel, you will have actual time access to the hosting resources consumed by your sites and then the site traffic that’s produced by your clients. The information is brought to you in a straightforward visual user interface, on a daily, per–week and per–month base. Furthermore, there’s detailed information concerning our platform such as the physical IP address of the hosting server, the OS, the now used variations of PHP and MySQL and much more.
Server Specifics
Look at the hosting server’s OS, IP address, and so forth.
From the Online Statistics Manager part of the Control Panel, you will get real–time information on the server including the OS that’s used or even the physical IP address of your website hosting account. Moreover, you can get practical data for your own web development projects such as the current versions of PHP, MySQL and Perl, plus the mounted Perl modules. Email server info such as sendmail path or the incoming and outgoing emaill servers is also included.
All of the hosting server info is presented in a readable manner so that you can locate the facts you need.
Access & Error Logs
Immediately identify any web site general performance issues
The Access and Error Listings report info concerning the server, such as details of server access plus the kinds of glitches experienced in the course of hosting server operation. You can get both types of information regarding the operation of your sites from the Online Statistics Manager part of the Control Panel.
The access log records each of the text files, image files, video clip files, etc. that others already have demanded to look at with your website, and the error log reports all warnings and glitches the host has stumbled upon ever since the log file is created.
Traffic Statistics
Monitor your web site customers in real time
Overseeing the website data of your web site is the simplest way to know how your marketing plan works. Via the Control Panel included Internet stats tools – Webalizer and Awstats, you will see the quantities of viewers that flock to your website, as well as the volume of views they make and pages they load on a daily, weekly and monthly base.
To review the statistics information, go to the Website Statistics section of the Control Panel and then open the stats file for a particular website. There is no need to set up anything at all on your side. We trigger the stats after your site goes on the web and starts generating visits.
CPU Statistics
Keep tabs on your web sites’ server load
The host’s CPU is important for the connection between your web site and its website visitors. The more advanced and resource–absorbing your web sites are, greater amount of hosting server resources and server operation time will be needed for them to work.
From the CPU statistics area of the Control Panel, it will be possible to keep track of the usage of CPU resources accumulated by each of your web sites. This can enable you to take prompt steps and improve your sites if the CPU utilization allocation has been exceeded. You will find detailed CPU stats for every single day and month or for a full calendar year.